Pinisi Journal of Local Language is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal focusing on local language studies. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the roles, challenges, and innovations related to local languages in diverse educational and social contexts. Its scope is global, inviting contributions from academics, researchers, graduate students, and policy makers interested in the development and preservation of local languages. All articles should be written in English.

The journal’s scope includes:

  • Assessment and evaluation in local language education
  • Methodologies and issues in applied linguistics for local languages
  • Classroom challenges and strategies for teaching local languages
  • The impact of culture and power dynamics in local language education
  • Curriculum development and implementation for local language studies
  • Effective approaches to teaching and learning local languages
  • Diversity, multiculturalism, and the role of local languages in education
  • Gender, language, and higher education in the context of local language studies
  • Development, challenges, and identity in local language learning
  • Literacy, bilingualism, and multilingual education
  • Teacher training, gender, and equality in local language contexts